Statement: “For where
your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Matthew 6:21.
Many people are distracted today because of
what they have value on. A lot of people
have placed more value on their jobs, bank account, houses and carsthan the
word of God. Beloved, don’t deceived yourself, what you value most will
occupy the choicest part of your heart.
Jesus, having looked at a man closely; made
a very profound statement that was captured in out text.
Where is your treasure? What do you value
most? If the word of God is your treasure, then, the mundane things will not
matter to you. No matter the stock exchange report, you will stand firm and
confident; knowing that the word of God never fails. But, if your treasure is
on something else, when it fails, which they will sometimes (business, stocks,
health, money, man etc.). Your heart will stop beating and you stand the risk
of having high blood pressure (heart attack) because your treasure is here on
Take a lesson from Job, what helped him
withstand the challenges of life, as numerous as they were, was the fact that
he kept his eyes fixed on God. It is
really not about your “Net worth” but your “God worth”.
If you understand how great your God is, then
you will not lose heart over any report; because you know that your God is able
to supplies all your needs according to His riches in glory.Philippians 4:19.
When negative thoughts comes, what do you
do? In fact, 2 Corinthians 10:5
answers it clearly, “Casting down imaginations, and every high things that
exalteth itself against theknowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every
thoughts to the obedience of Christ” Beloved, consciously, cast down any
thought that is not in line with the word of God by telling the devil, “I
reject and I choose to stick to the word of God”. Practise the word, and when
you made a mistake, don’t stop, instead, continue practising the word.
When God tells you to forgive, practise
forgiveness. If it is difficult for you to do so, then start praying for the
person in question and pretty soon, you will genuinely love the person, with
the love of God.
Keep your thoughts on heaven and you will
reap the fruits in every area of your life.
Matthew 6:19-25,
Micah 7:8,
Galatians 5:1,
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