KEY STATEMENT:- ‘’ For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ’’. John 1:17.
It is so easy to think that grace is cheap simply because it is undeserved, unmerited and unearned. Through grace, you get the things you don’t deserve; but, beloved, grace is not cheap. Though it is free to you, the truth is that someone paid for it.
It is also erroneous to think that since the blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us from our sins – past, present and future – that we therefore have a license to go wild and live in sin. Grace is not a license to commit all kinds of debauchery with the impression that such acts don’t matter because God has forgiven you.
Grace stands for ‘’ God’s riches at Christ expense’’, Christ paid for everything! It would be unrighteous and unjust of God to not judge a sinner, after He said that ‘’ the soul that sinneth shall die’’. He also said ‘’ the wages of sin is death’’ (Romans 3:23, 6:23). He justified and acquitted us simply because Jesus died in our stead. If Jesus had not died; we would have still been in the bondage of sin. We would still be prisoners of sin that deserves wrath of God. If no price is paid for Grace, there can be no grace. If no price had been paid for grace to reach you, then there would be no grace. The scriptures says ‘’ for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (John 1:17). In other words, grace and truth are packaged together. You can’t talk about grace without truth. The reason God is extending grace to us rather than judgement and wrath is because all the anger, wrath and condemnation was borne by Jesus Christ on the cross.
The finished work on the cross by Christ released grace unto us. That is why God gives you preferential treatment. That is why; He puts you in places you don’t deserve. He takes you from the backside and puts you on the frontline – all because of grace. I pray that grace will speak for you and put you ahead of the pack in Jesus Name.
Further insights
John 1:16-17
Romans 5:6-10