Our thoughts, our words and our actions; most of the times
challenges the truth of the word of God. This happens; most times when we are confronted
with some realities of life – sicknesses of some kind, and all manners of
problems that confronts us.
No matter what we see or hear, we must not allow fear to take
control of our mind/emotions. If this happens, we begins to doubt the efficacy
of the word of God. This, my friend is what Satan wants to see.
God is clear on His own side,
what He is going to do and will do, his word is clear. God gave us His contract, He is true to His
word, so there is no room for uncertainty about it. God will do what He said,
He will do – you can count on it. He would never fail on His promise.
Roman 3:3-4 – Humans can fail, but not God. The
word of God never fails.
Know this: - Everything in life – this natural life is
subject to change, but the word of
God doesn’t change. The word of God is true, even when everything else
around you is telling you otherwise. Only
let God be true in your life. To do this – you must settle forever in
your heart and mind, there is no
fault in God. God is always good. There is no weakness or shortcoming
in His word. Take this fully: - you will never catch God in a lie.
There is no time you exercise faith in God’s word and God
fails to keep that word – NEVER.
Jeremiah 1:12 – God is active and alert, watching
over His word to perform it.
Understand this – it is not enough just to know what the word
says. It must be a reality to you. More real than the problem you face.
Take the word of God and formed a graphic picture of it in
your mind to see its full possibility. For example; 1 Peter 2:24 says “By His stripes we were healed”. Chose to believe
that God cannot lie, that His word is
true regardless of what your circumstances are telling you. Picture
Jesus on the Cross with you and your sickness/situation. See Him also come out
of the grave victorious over your sickness/situations. Picture Him handing over
to you, your victory. Once you get that settled in your mind, you have it. It
will manifest into full reality.
It is the word of God – that produced faith in our heart. Proverbs 4:20-21. You cannot deepens
your faith in God without deepening your trust in His word. Your believe in the
word; is what produces faith.
Stop seeing the word of God as a thing. It is the same as
God. Friendship with the word is friendship with God. To stay away from the
word, is the same thing as staying away from God. John1:1 says God and His word are one. Jesus and His word are the
same. John1:14 – The word was made
flesh, and dwelt among us. The world needed Jesus – He is what man need to
have, so, God’s words and the faith that He released in those words became
This is a fundamental characteristics of the word of God –
God’s word mixed with faith, it becomes what you need. God’s word will become finances,
if you are facing shortage – it will become health, when you are faced with
sicknesses. If you go to God’s word in faith, the word will become what you
Hebrew 4:12 – The word of God is Spirit and it
is Alive. It is full of live. FULL – it administers life wherever it is
applied. It doesn’t matter how dark and deadly the circumstances may be. Whatever
death the devil can bring, the word of God has enough life to overwhelm it.
1 Peter 1:23 – The word of God is incorruptible
seed which liveth and abideth forever. The word of God has the supernatural
life within it to fulfil the promises of God in our life. You plant it in your
heart, and it can come to produce salvation, prosperity, healing, and
deliverance – whatever God has said belong to you.
The word is truth – John17:17.
Notice, it did not say the word is
facts. It is a facts that you
don’t have any money. The fact may be that, the Doctor said you have an
incurable disease. But, the truth is absolute, truth doesn’t falter, truth
doesn’t change. So, facts are subjects to truth.
It can be a fact that you are sick, but God says you were
healed by the stripes of Jesus when He died on the cross. That’s the truth.
Now, you have a choice, you can apply the truth of God’s word to the fact that
you’re sick and the fact will change, or you can agree with the facts and
things will stay/remain as they are or get worse. The word of God is quick.
Once the word starts coming out of your mouth in faith, it will be the final
word. If it is God’s word about healing, you will be healed. If it is His word
of God about prosperity, you’ll be prosperous.
If it is His word about deliverance, you’ll be delivered.
God’s word is a contract/covenant.
Once you have the contract, and you do your part of
Believing, Speaking and acting on a heart full of faith, God’s word will come
to pass. No circumstance on earth, and No demon in hell can stop it.
Quit asking question and settle it once and for all – God is
not a liar. He keeps His word. He is not a man that He should lie. Numbers 23:19. He keeps His word
always. Every time without fail. He is the one to trust and no one else.
Further insights:-
Psalm 125:1-2
Hebrew 4:12
Hebrew 6:16-18
Isaiah 41: 10-13
Isaiah 26:3
Numbers 23:19
Habakkuk 2:3